Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Real Me
God knows the "real"
me  and loves me anyway

 Many times in life, with all of the "to do lists" and overbooked schedules, I parade around like a one-act in a three-ring circus.  I put the “happy face” on, rosy cheeks and all, and portray a fearless persona. Those looking in my direction, think everything is OK - that I have it all together. They cannot see behind a mask of self protection. They cannot see the emotions that are tucked away behind the image of “girl who’s got it all together.” 

It’s comforting and so reassuring to know my Heavenly Father sees past the facade I often present to others.  In His presence, I can take the mask off, relax and let Him love on me. He sees past the wall my imperfect self hides behind.  The foolish games, the brokenness, the plastic smile, the charade, the frailties, the neediness and the emotional blindness do not conceal who I am to El Elyon - The Most High. He sees them all. He hears all of my insecure thoughts, my self-doubting and anxiousness. He knows all of my many mistakes but loves me anyway.  

 He thinks I’m beautiful and even sings over me! “The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.  (Zephaniah 3:17). Who am I that the creator of the universe would sing over me?!

Thankfully, He sees the real me behind the mask.  He sees the finished product. He sees me fulfilling His will for my life.  He formed me with a purpose and promises He will never leave me or forsake me on this life journey.

 I’m so grateful He is still fine-tuning me.  I’m a work in progress - longing for the day the veil is lifted and the “real” me sees Him face to face.  

If I were to write a song this year, it would be similar to "The Real Me" by Natalie Grant.   To listen to the song select this link   http://youtu.be/u3kr9eqxwCo

Friday, February 24, 2012

This morning, in my devotion time, the Lord led me to a passage in the Bible.  I knew exactly why He led me there because my heart had been heavy from a recent conversation with a friend.

The verse is: Psalm 13:-15. It says, "From heaven the Lord looks down and sees ALL mankind;  from His dwelling place He watches ALL who live on earth, He who forms the hearts of ALL, who considers everything they do.

This is what I wrote in my devotional journal. It came from the Creator. "When I look down from Heaven I see ALL of my children. I do not see any differences, I do not see different races.When will you see? You are ALL my offspring. You are ALL heirs to my kingdom.  There is no difference between any of you.  Examine your heart today. Let me, your Heavenly Father clear your vision and change your way of thinking by changing your heart. It begins in the heart. It begins with you."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Here's a thought for today:

We don't grow by changing the adverse circumstances. We grow by embracing God's plan for our circumstances and allowing Him to have His full way in us. We need to allow Him to work out the kinks and imperfections. Let Him help us find a perspective beyond our own. When we are in His plan, we will Find peace right in the middle of the storm.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Your Time Matters

 Godly Priorities and Time Management
What is the very best, most productive and alert time of your day? What if you were to give that time to God?  We often give God the sleepy hour just before we fall asleep or the time of day when we aren’t very alert to reading the Bible and spending time with Him.  Countless times we are tempted to give some of our most alert hours to ourselves. For us women, I’m referring to hair and make-up. I should also mention the time we spend standing in the closet searching for the “outfit of the day.” If we could hear the ticking of the clock, how much time would be ticking away?  For some, this can quickly add up to a lot of time. 
What if we applied the first fruits and tithing concepts to our time?  What would that look like?  What would it look like for you if you gave the best and most productive part of your day to God?   I like the translation in The Message Bible of Proverbs 3:9  which says, “Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best.” In Ephesians 5:15-17 the Word of God clearly tells us to, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
Let me encourage you to take the “time management challenge.” Time management is really activity management. You will need to make a list. There is power in writing things out and being able to visually see your goals will help you stay on track. For some of us, it will save time if we are not wasting it by trying to remember what we need to be doing. Keep a special notebook and each day set your goals and plans. Prioritize them by listing first things first. On the top of all of our lists should be “spending time with God.”
I recently made some life changes and time management was one of them. While on a women’s retreat, I heard from the Lord regarding many areas of my life but the main one was the time I was spending with the Lord or what little time I was spending with Him.  I committed to give Him the first fruit of my day. Now, I begin most every day with Him. It’s a very special time which has become something I yearn for. I start with a devotional which leads me to scriptures in the Bible. Then I spend time in prayer and stillness. By being still, we can hear from God. It may be through a song, through a scripture or He may speak to us in our thoughts. Keep a notebook handy to write down what He speaks to you.  Proverbs 16:3 “Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.”

A wonderful thing has happened! When I give God the first fruits of my time, I have the energy and time to accomplish all the things on my “to do” list and then some! Spending time in His presence energizes me for all of the tasks I need to do and all of the decisions I have to make for the day. When we spend time with God first, He has a way of bending schedules and events in our favor.
It’s my heart’s desire to give my best to God.
Join me. Make a commitment today to give Him the first fruits of your time and energy.
Sign your name beside mine, along with the date as a symbol of your commitment.  
Melissa Snyder    _________________________________
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

Monday, February 13, 2012

God Told Me To Start This Blog

Anyone who knows me knows I have written most of my life – something I believe is a God given ability.   I've been privileged to have columns in two newspapers. One was "Make A Difference" and the other was "Melissa Matters." By the grace of God, I was able to write about things He laid on my heart and topics that I felt were important. Some of the topics were generated through correspondence from readers.  I have been blessed.
For about a year, The Lord has been telling me to start a blog to continue writing and share with others.  Finally ... I did.  This is it.  I will be putting some of my columns and poems on here and of course writing new things. It's my prayer, the Lord will give me direction so that through the words of this blog - readers will be encouraged, blessed and inspired.
If there is a topic you would like me to write about, I'd be happy to. I will pray about it, then do some research and with the help of the Holy Spirit to the best of my ability, I will compose something.
I also want this to be a place for you to ask for prayer and leave prayer requests.  I consider it a privilege to pray for others and to take things to Jesus. I have a strong support group of Godly women who will join with me in prayer and believing God for you need.
I love you and so does JESUS!       Melissa