Friday, February 24, 2012

This morning, in my devotion time, the Lord led me to a passage in the Bible.  I knew exactly why He led me there because my heart had been heavy from a recent conversation with a friend.

The verse is: Psalm 13:-15. It says, "From heaven the Lord looks down and sees ALL mankind;  from His dwelling place He watches ALL who live on earth, He who forms the hearts of ALL, who considers everything they do.

This is what I wrote in my devotional journal. It came from the Creator. "When I look down from Heaven I see ALL of my children. I do not see any differences, I do not see different races.When will you see? You are ALL my offspring. You are ALL heirs to my kingdom.  There is no difference between any of you.  Examine your heart today. Let me, your Heavenly Father clear your vision and change your way of thinking by changing your heart. It begins in the heart. It begins with you."


At February 24, 2012 at 11:12 AM , Blogger Outragous grace said...

Great revelation. Our thoughts indeed are things and our feelings are a direct result of our thoughts. The word of God tells us that God's thoughts about out are good, purposful, intentional and meaningful. So much so that He sings over us. Thanks for sharing Melissa.....

At February 25, 2012 at 8:24 AM , Blogger Melissa said...

I appreciate your reply. I prayed about it before I posted it. I've decided to share with others anything the Lord shares with me. "And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." (Hebrews 13:16)


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